Forty mins as I had arrived
Watching her lying on the bed
In her pink hospital gown
Being fed her food through the syringe
Minute movements at her throat
She then ease into her sleeping world
Scratching her body at times
Her eyebrows, stomach, shoulders,
Then she reaches her right hand into her
Hospital pants scratching her genitals
And then her belly and in the midst
Exposing her right breast
I gently pull her top back down
Her eyes started to open
She stared at me
Finally registering a familiar face
Followed by the emergence of her smile
I greeted her
"我是小妹,我来看您了!” [I'm little girl, I'm here to visit you!]
Alhough this was many times I've said it
This was the first she had heard.
She smiled in acknowledgement
And then said
"我要shee shee ". [I want to pee pee]
I notified the nurse
And was told to wait for her turn after the other patient was done
and after her medication
I conveyed the message to her patiently
And she took it all in, nodding her head
The absence of the familiar resistance.
As I scratch and massage her back as we waited
She suddenly lifted her arms
reaching them towards me
I got up from my seat, sank my body into those
long and skinny arms
We wrapped each other
As she said two simple words
"你乖” [you are good/obedient]
And I replied with child-like pride
"我最乖的,所以没被打屁股” [I'm the BEST, that's why my bum has never been spanked]
Of which her characteristic rebuttal came
”乖,也要打屁股” [Good - also must spank]
And I submitted to her softly and joyfully
"乖也要被打、不乖也要被打” [Good also will be spanked, not good also also be spank]
"被一个都要被打" [Each of us (kids) will be spanked]
And that's the language we understood from each other
The spanking that arose from so much love